The Hunters Of Doom Banner (95%)

“List of Strength”

Who is our strongest member? 

1.   <=W007Y=>
2. <=
3. <=NPV=>
4. <=basler=>
5. <=Falken=>
6. <=WoRd=>
7. <=Br€ad=>
8. <=G0KU=>

9. <=GORョム=>
10. <= * =>

This list is under construction at the moment! 
Rankings will be updated soon!

87 Responses to “CLムN RムNK!NGS”

  1. dont forget yoda :D…meh i bet i could beat pais now…but he hasnt been on in months 😦

  2. cool it makes faces for you automaticaly 🙂 🙂 😦 😡 >:)

  3. リ。わム isn’t one of the ten strongest members… But I’m sure he will make it to the top ten! (We change these rankings)



  5. faith should be atleast in the top 5 😦 and who is tf-ihk?

  6. Thank you Vader 🙂

  7. TF-IHK is a guy named Ian… A five star Trace!
    リ。わム knows him too


  8. wooty pais is never on please take him of the rankings

  9. i am on the ranks yet

  10. Ik versla faith bijna elke match tegenwoordig als ik me noxus speel, waarom sta ik achter faith?

  11. Dat zal ik eens snel fixen, C00L3R !! 😀


    C00L3R = 6th NOW !!
    Pais = Out Of Rankings
    TF-IHK = Out Of Rankings
    Devilメ= Enters rankings 8th
    リ。わム= Enters rankings 10th


  13. verander mijn naamkleur maar terug in enige reden waarom ik geen in mijn naam had was omda ik op findgame ging en ik doe soms signs weg opdat er geen mense zoude dc-en omda ze zouden zien da ik sterk ben omda ik in een clan zit

  14. ok, kan erdoor maar we hebbe graag da onze clan herkent wordt ^^

    Nu is キAîィん te ver gegaan… Zij draagt ni alleen onze tekens ni meer maar heeft zelfs “FP” (een Rival-Clan) in haar nickname… Just another イRム !イ0R … 😦


  15. >:O argg! stop speaking dutch! rawr!


  16. NPV plz check “DョムR イRム !イ0RS ” (about キAîィん)


  17. ey waarom staat NVP 3de. ik vind da ni terrecht COOL3R verdiend die plaats en NVP ni das veranderd die twee van plaats

  18. 😀 nee ik ben ni sterker dan u gorea, gorea,gij kunt mij me gemak af!dus gij verdient de 3e plaats!

  19. キAîィん will be Out Of Rankings soon …
    She has changed clans AGAIN!
    BTW FP is dead already! XD

    People who aren’t active on MPH (with our logos) for a month will be Out Of Rankings …

    スョRム & W007Y

  20. *rants and grumbles*

  21. yeh i know fp is dead…. me n my friend quit then it died XD

  22. Ge moogt mijn naam nu in ZORN1K veranderen! 😀
    Ik denk ni da ik nog C00L3R ga heten.


  24. Falken, that’s totally correct!^^


  25. Ik zal da zo snel mogelijk verandere! (Maar ik zal wel u echte tekens gebruiken, ZORN1K)

  26. \ /
    \ /
    I I

    plz stop the dutch >:(, everyone here can speak english

  27. ok Vader!

  28. 😀

  29. should be here, he’s pretty good. Yoda thinks he’s going to be a future , I hope not, I could never kill pais XD

  30. -_- it keeps erasing

    fire should be here, future pais

  31. I hope I can have my position back in the rankings plz?

  32. *Future better than Pais 😀 [j/k]

    lol how can I get into the rankings, do I hv to fight
    rank 10 to get ranked 10th?
    I´d love to get in the rankings :]


  33. something like that, but the ranks need to be updated

    at the moment they are offline 😦

  34. * CLムN RムNK!NGS * will be updated! Who’s become stronger?
    We have a lot new members, we recovered some ex-members & we lost some … Now we need to find out which players are the best (top 10)
    (し.モDGモ, タもBもし & アwnägë will probably lose their current ranks)


  35. *prepares to lose 3rd rank D:*

    falken has gotten much much better…

  36. Aaaarghhhh


    If this shit doesn´t get fixed..
    Can´t log in on WFC for some reason :/

  37. It’s probably because of the hacking 😦


  38. We need to check who’s better: NPV or Falken 😀


  39. Cuz of the hacking? o.o

  40. Your problem is: you have been hacked and u can’t get online anymore … I know the solution! So log in your MSN and I’ll explain u

    PS: Don’t delete ur Hunter Licence!


  41. * CLムN RムNK!NGS * updated!


    hehe ik kom morgen (dinsdag) wel online, zo om 2 uur, meot morgen alleen nog boeken inleveren 😛


  43. Oh lol and how did I get into the clan rankings 😮

    Teehee thanks, I challenge WOOTY so I´ll be FIRST 😀

    J/k lol


    PS; Sorry for doubleposting

  44. hay wooyy how did i get in to the top ten? i have not been online in a long time(3months)!!!!!! and i feel bad for all of the hod members cuz they are not on it and they have been playing more then i have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST WAIT EVERY ONE I WILL BE BACK IN 1 MONTH (e-mail:

  45. the pimp is back

  46. hey how come im 6th i can beat NPV easy!

  47. I have put u in the top-10 because I remember that u were 9th and u stay 9th untill someone takes ur place


  48. Ah… You can beat him? OK we want to see if you’re really better (not just one lucky time) XD

    スョRム & W007Y

  49. Zet Falken maar een rank hoger, en als get mij vraagt moogt ge NPV plaats 9 geven, hij is wrsl de oorzaak da ik ni meer online kan op mph…

  50. Gorea must be at least 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. list of strength! hah more like imperialist skill leaderboard

  52. Van 3 naar 9 is een groot verschil …
    Ik denk dat NPV ons nooit zou hacken


  53. Hij hackte mss wel, omdat ik de laatste match met 4 spelers(waar hij bij was) ni tiede omda hij ook nog ni volledig had getied … trouwes de 4e speler was aan het altspamme in die match en NPV was toen kwaad omda k nni tiede ,TOCH… redene genoeg. Maar ik vind echt wel dat GOREA hoger moet in de ranglijst!Hij is ne goeie speler!

  54. Gorea moet zeker 4e zijn!Hij hackt nooit , en wint altijd eerlijk , hij is goed met alle wapens ^^

  55. speak in english! i know your talking about me!

  56. stop talking french

  57. Ha ha ha!! It’s not French! (Why does everybody think it’s French? …)

    It’s DUTCH! 😀 😛


  58. soooo? its rude when you talk about them behind their back

  59. Cause french pwns! mwhahahaha

    To Zornik:

  60. You seem to be quite sure about that fire, but you’re probably right.It was probably that stupid wifi usbconnector ,it never works properly and gives the errors which u also get if you are hacked by someone …

  61. It was me ! I hacked you! lol

  62. very funny.. getting hacked sucks

  63. So it was you,faith?
    I should’ve known…
    Vader wouldn’t hack DSses.He’s a HODmember and members of HOD would never do things like that.

  64. does anyone else get the problem with the hunters of doom blog

  65. I never see the numbers 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 online 😐
    This list is a bit weird xD
    And is the clan dieing?.. cuz noone answers anymore ><

  66. what the crap is going on!? and did cooler restart or something?

  67. I didn’t restart and i can’t get on anymore because my nintendo wifi connector doesn’t work anymore 😦

  68. So Zera ,you can delete me from the rankinglist so other players can get higher in the rankings:D

  69. 😐

  70. i was on holiday fire im back now

  71. theres no one on anymore

  72. I think that if this continues I`ll quit the HOD.. And I don´t think you can treat me as a traitor then 😦

  73. Why would you leave?


  74. ZORNIK, in de Fnac in’t shoppingcenter heb ik een wi-fi USB-connector gezien voor €39,95 (WIFI MAX) mss werkt die beter

    Dan hoef ik u ni uit de lijst te verwijdere ^^
    (en da zou ook goe zijn vr Pearl :P)


  75. vraag je broertje (wouter) 😛

  76. ok 😀


  77. I wonder when these rankings are going to chaneg again..

  78. (We change these rankings)


  79. hay guys i cant play (got bann) be back in 1 mouth!!:(

  80. gonna have to re set pimp? new fc please?

  81. FUCK! my game freezes every time i connect to wifi!

  82. *CLムN RムNK!NGS updated!* 😀

    スョRム & W007Y

  83. NPV doesnt play anymore+none of those people in the rankings are ever on.

  84. zera probably doesnt play on MPH anymore, or w007y for that matter. and who the hell is basla?

  85. don’t forget pimp he’s awesome

  86. Whoa seriously? number 3 still? lol

  87. Yeah we know, NPV … We haven’t updated it for a while now. xD
    We should try to find out how much our members have improved etc. It will take a while.

    Btw: why don’t you consider buying a new DS to come online from time to time (it would be a lot of fun with you ^^). You are still a true HOD-member even when you can’t use your broken DS …

    スョRム & W007Y

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